Web Mining

Web Mining bankrate.com

Introduction The purpose of this blog post is to demonstrate how to web mine the bankrate.com, primarily focusing on extracting and graphing with the R programming language the APY and minimum deposits for 1-year1, 3-year2, and 5-year3 CD Rates. Setup Before the analysis, some necessary libraries will be loaded. First, tidyverse4 and magrittr5 for their data management functions; second, flextable6 for table formatting; third, rvest7 for web mining; and fourth, plotly8 to display interactive graphs.

Data Science and Beyblades

Introduction Beyblade has proven itself to be a strong-running franchise, spanning several TV series and toys. In the shows and on the boxes of said toys, there is an emphasis on the attributes of the beyblades: their Attack, Defense, and Stamina for each component that make up the beyblade. While the validity of these statistics can be questioned, one cannot help but wonder about the relationship between these three traits among the beyblades.