
Handbook for the diagnoser R package

The book for my package diagnoser has just been published online! You may view it as a Gitbook (https://rs-diagnoser.netlify.com/) or PDF (https://github.com/robertschnitman/diagnoser/blob/master/docs/diagnoser_handbook.pdf). I recommend reading it if you are interested in a new perspective on diagnosing your model residuals! Installing diagnoser The library diagnoser currently is only installable via GitHub and is contingent on R versions at or above 3.4.2. To install the package, first install devtools so that you may make use of the function install_github, referencing diagnoser by the package creator’s username (“robertschnitman”) followed by “/diagnoser” as shown in the code below:

Using Residuals Percent in OLS Diagnostics

Many students (myself included) were taught to analyze the raw residuals when diagnosing regression models, but not in terms of percent. The benefit of the latter is that we can assess the relative magnitude of error from our regression model. To display the residuals as a percent (henceforth Residuals, %), let’s first load some necessary libraries. libs <- c('tidyverse', 'magrittr', 'ggthemes', 'gridExtra') # For each library, check if they are installed.